Exchange 2010 migration - Calculating storage requirements and designing Mailbox server storage
Moving mailboxes from an old mailbox database to a new one is an important part of the Exchange migration. It essentially involves creation of anew mailbox database in the Mailbox server of Exchange 2010. So when you deploy Mailbox Server role, you need to design the mailbox server storage so as to meet the storage requirements. Compared to its previous versions, Exchange 2010 is very flexible in letting you design the storage architecture. When you move from Exchange 2003/2007 to Exchange 2010, you can design and deploy the mailbox Server storage exactly according to the requirements of the organization. What are the parameters that you require to design the Mailbox server storage optimally?
Prime considerations in Mailbox server storage design
Mailbox storage design in organizations depend on requirements like storage capacity and performance. Also, it depends on considerations like infrastructure cost and manageability. Generally it is necessary to understand the storage I/O and capacity requirements to design the storage architecture. We will just list different I/O and capacity requirements that have impact on Mailbox server storage design:
1.Mailbox count (maximum number of mailboxes to be hosted on a Mailbox server)
2.High availability considerations
3.Mailbox concurrency (percentage of users who connect to Mailbox server per hour)
4.Mailbox size and usage profile
5.E-mail client types and extensions
6. Server applications
Designing storage architecture
Once you are ready with I/O and capacity requirements, you can start designing the storage architecture. You can either do it manually or do it using Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator. When you design it manually, you need to have good idea about preferred high availability model, database/log capacity requirements, database/log performance requirements, storage configuration/ CPU/memory requirements, and logical unit number (LUN) architecture requirements. While using the calculator, you can get the result by providing the input parameters. It’s good to test the new design in a lab environment before implementing it in your actual production environment.
Prime considerations in Mailbox server storage design
Mailbox storage design in organizations depend on requirements like storage capacity and performance. Also, it depends on considerations like infrastructure cost and manageability. Generally it is necessary to understand the storage I/O and capacity requirements to design the storage architecture. We will just list different I/O and capacity requirements that have impact on Mailbox server storage design:
1.Mailbox count (maximum number of mailboxes to be hosted on a Mailbox server)
2.High availability considerations
3.Mailbox concurrency (percentage of users who connect to Mailbox server per hour)
4.Mailbox size and usage profile
5.E-mail client types and extensions
6. Server applications
Designing storage architecture
Once you are ready with I/O and capacity requirements, you can start designing the storage architecture. You can either do it manually or do it using Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator. When you design it manually, you need to have good idea about preferred high availability model, database/log capacity requirements, database/log performance requirements, storage configuration/ CPU/memory requirements, and logical unit number (LUN) architecture requirements. While using the calculator, you can get the result by providing the input parameters. It’s good to test the new design in a lab environment before implementing it in your actual production environment.